It is better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness.



We are grateful for all donations to help us to network, communicate, research and publish information. All contributions labelled ‘Light’ given to the Bildekräfteforschung e.V. benefit our projects. Complete company details and projects are available upon request. If you have a specific area or project you would like to sponsor, please contact Ulrike Wendt directly.

Contributions can be made to:

Gesellschaft für Bildekräfteforschung
Reference: „Light“
IBAN: DE31 4306 0967 7003 9939 00
BIC: GENODM1GLS (for transfers from non-EU countries)

Please include your address or send it to us by e-mail for the donation receipt. We will never share your information.

A heartfelt thank you for your support!