Where are LED used?

LED lighting can be found in most areas of our day-to-day lives, some are visible, some less:

  • in living rooms and offices
  • in the computer, teelevision and smart phone screens
  • in motion detectors, distance detectors sensors, including objects such as a wireless computer mou
  • in street and highway lighting, traffic lights and headlights
  • in outdoor lighting for architecture and advertising
  • as indicator lights for flashlights, kettles, toasters, cookers, electric shavers, toothbrushes, and so much more
  • in greenhouses used to speed up growth, and to increase size and colour of food
  • in the medical field, dentists use them to treat and cure dental fillings
  • in remote controls for entertainment electronics, lighting, night lights, light barriers
  • in telecommunications, LED technology is found in a wide range of areas such as fiber-optic cables

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